Testing and Training


Career Adventures is a driving force in changing the staffing industry from just a response driven market to proactive recruitment. This is accomplished by forming close partnerships with Client Companies and establishing custom hiring programs that fit each of their unique business models.

Our trained staff assesses each client’s needs by spending time at the company and observing successful employees perform everyday tasks. We gather any other useful information to determine the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA’s) that make the employees successful. If applicable, we then make recommendations to the client on how to test for those KSA’s.

Career Adventures starts its selection process with a structured interview questionnaire, and the placement pro determines if the applicant meets the minimum criteria to become a Career Adventures employee. If so, it is then determined which client company, if any, that the applicant is a match. The applicant is then scheduled to perform the test program that is used by the client company. Upon successful completion of the test, the applicant is then placed into the pool that is being established for that client.

Career Adventures offers a plethora of testing options for our clerical, industrial, and professional divisions which are listed below. We also have hands-on dexterity tests to better determine the applicant’s speed and agility.


Career Adventures provides extensive training for its client company’s on a weekly basis. This value added step helps clients, by reducing training time when new hires arrive on site.

The Placement pro conducts a training class for each of their clients. Each class caters to the specific needs or requirement of the customer.

• Orientation of the Company (Rules)
• Attendance Requirements
• Dress Code
• Hazard Communication
• Personal Protective Equipment requirements
• Exit procedures

“The days of just robotically sending out a warm body to fill a spot on a production line are over. Our clients compete in a global market place, and we must support them by providing them with a candidate that has proven that he or she meets testing cutoff levels that predict superior performance and decrease turnover.”

Randy Miller
Vice President/General Manager
Career Adventures, Inc